Upcoming Public Hearings and Comment Periods



RE: UTA Tentative Budget 2025. UTA is holding a public hearing to receive input on its 2025 Tentative Budget. 

Public Hearing Date & Format:


There will be a public hearing held on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at UTA’s downtown Salt Lake City office at 669 West 200 South. 

Prior to the public hearing, from 5:00-5:30 p.m., UTA will hold an in-person public budget open house to allow the public to review and discuss the budget with UTA representatives. During this time, in addition to having specific questions answered, the public may submit written comments to UTA. At 5:30 pm, as part of a specially scheduled UTA Board public hearing, individuals may provide verbal comment directly to UTA’s Board of Trustees. 

Options for remote viewing and remote public comment will be available. For instructions on how to comment or view the meeting remotely, please see below or go to UTA’s Public Meeting Portal at  https://rideuta.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx and click on the agenda for the public hearing. In the event of technical difficulties with remote participation, the meeting will proceed in person and in compliance with the Open and Public Meetings Act. Register in advance for this webinar: https://rideuta.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QrjW1jK4RAiq2SsAEk6B7g


To assure full participation at the hearing, accommodations for effective communication, such as sign language interpreters, printed materials in alternative formats, or a language interpreter for non-English speaking participants, must be requested at least two (2) working days prior to the date of the scheduled event. Requests for ADA or language accommodations should be directed to adacompliance@rideuta.com or 801-287-3536, or dial 711 to make a relay call for deaf or hearing-impaired persons


Public Comments:


In addition to the hearing and open house, the tentative budget will be available for public review and comment through November 6, 2024. During the comment period, the public can submit comments via email, online, mail, or phone. Information on the 2025 Tentative Budget may be found at www.rideuta.com/budget or viewed in person at UTA Headquarters, 669 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT


Comments must be received, postmarked, or electronically submitted to UTA through one of the following methods by 5 p.m. on November 6, 2024, to be considered as part of the public comment record.

  • Phone: 801-743-3888

  • Mailing: Utah Transit Authority, C/O Jolisha Branch, 669 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Other Public Meetings

Other Public Notices

UTA Board of Trustees & UTA Local Advisory Council Meetings

For information regarding UTA Board of Trustees & UTA Local Advisory Council Meetings, please visit the Board of Trustees Meetings page.

Utah Public Notice Website

  • Go to https://www.utah.gov/pmn/index.html
  • Under the Government tab, select Special Districts
  • Next, under the Entity tab, scroll to Utah Transit Authority and click on it
  • Next, under the Body tab, select Board of Trustees and click
  • Then scroll down the page to find UTA Board of Trustees meeting recordings and documents

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