
 Moving Utahns to a Better Quality of Life

Quality of Life

Primary 2030 Objectives
70% of Utah's population (75% of UTA's service area) resides within one-half mile of UTA's transit service, and the carbon footprint of UTA vehicles and facilities is reduced by 25%

Success Statement
UTA supports community development, sustainability connecting the Wasatch Front through accessible mobility options, strategic investments, and partnerships.

Currently in 2022

  • 56% of Utah Population and 71% of UTA service area within one-half mile of UTA transit
  • Electricity Usage = 17.9M Kilowatt Hours
  • Natural Gas Usage = 90.2K Dekatherms
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions = 92.7K CO2 Metric Tons
  • Mixed Bus Fleet Composition (% of alternative fuels vehicles): In 2022 = 7%, Goal by 2030 = 28%

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